Mefal Pharma Depot


Products coming in on pallets, in cartons and as single items every day from over 161 suppliers. Every one of these items is entered in our warehouse management system as they arrive depending on its expiry date and LOT (Batch) number and it is handled on a First-Expired-First-Out (FEFO) basis ensuring proper stock rotation. We perpetually monitor expiration dates so nothing goes out of the door that has an unacceptable shelf life.

Should a recall become necessary, we can guarantee a quick response due to our LOT number traceability system. We have immediate information on the number of pieces and LOT numbers on our warehouse shelves as well as on the pharmacy shelves thus we are fully capable of retrieving the product immediately.

The full range of our products is maintained online and is reachable 24/7.

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© 2006 - 2025 Mefal Pharma Depot. Designed and maintained by mmVirtual.